As we arrived there, we are not the only one there... our clique also there... the more the merrier...
Anis, Salmi and Farahwahida
Linda, Tah, K.Y
Tad, K.Aida & Families
another family...
Eons ago my K.Y said that she really love the taste of mee rebus there...and due to my hungriness... hahaha and both of us starving... so we ordered:
Air Cincau = RM 2.oo
Mee Rebus Special = RM 5.00
Rojak = RM 2.50
Mee rebus special worth it for RM5 coz ... they put a big shrimp on it... i was suprised to see that and K.Y said that's make it special.
Mee Rebus - surely i will come again again again again..... superb (up to my taste)
Rojak - better than what i had before... ok ( coz my fav still rojak mak Cik Minah)
Cincau - Yesterday... it was not too sweet... tawaq sket la.
what make that place special???
Of course the view... i always lovesssssssss the sea.

ulala..mee rebus die nmpk sedap eventhough nabilah xsuke kak ana bulan2 puase ni kene tgk mlm je..haha